Rev. Robert Zimmerman

Pastor Robert Zimmerman was largely brought up in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, but has also lived in Ohio, Alabama, and Illinois. Prior to moving to Lancaster he spent twenty seven years in the greater Philadelphia area. He is a graduate Messiah College and United Theological Seminary (Dayton Ohio).

Robert has had a rich diversity of ministry and vocational experiences which include Prison Chaplaincy, Professional Counseling, Social Work, and in small business entrepreneurship. A large portion of Robert’s professional life was serving as Pastor to numerous congregations in and around the Philadelphia area. He has served extensively in both the Philadelphia Baptist Association, and ABCOPAD (American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware.) While acquiring his Divinity School training, Robert served for five years as a Licensed Local Pastor in the United Methodist Church of East Ohio Conference.

Pastor Robert has an adult daughter living in the Philadelphia area, and family in the Carlisle. He enjoys a diversity of interests outside of ministry which include motorcycling, bicycling, travel, reading, frequenting local restaurants, and spending quality time with friends and family. He enjoys the natural beauty and the vibrant culture of Lancaster County. For additional information visit:

Lora Shirey

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Leroy Tebie, Lay Minister and Mission Coordinator

Leroy Tebie graduated with a Master’s Degree in Christian Ministry from Lancaster Bible College and Capital Seminary and Graduate School.
Leroy has worked exceptionally hard over the past few years to obtain both a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree, while at the same time being a good provider to his wife and three daughters. Leroy has also recently been employed by the United States Postal Service.

Westgate Baptist Worship Team  

David Ryan, Minister of Music

David considers himself to have gotten a late start in music. At the age of 14 he heard a new Pianist (Bill Thompson) play at his church for the first time. It was then David knew deep in his heart that he wanted to learn to play the Piano. A year after hearing Mr. Thompson play at church, Mr. Thompson unfortunately had a heart attack. As providence would have it, David stepped up to the task and became the churches new pianist—and he has been playing in various churches ever since. David has taught Piano lesson for many years and founded a Gospel Quartet called “All Four Him.”

David’s consummate desire is to see his musical gifts used for the glory of God. David is known for his ability to play traditional hymns with his own stylistic flare and vibrancy. In the past few years David has also begun to play the guitar which he hopes to also utilize in worship at Westgate. David has a CDL License and drives a Tractor Trailer which was a desire he possessed since second grade. David currently lives in Cochranville, Chester County, but hopes to return to living in Lancaster County in the future.

Chuck Oettel, Guitar

Chuck has studied, performed and taught music for over 40 years. He is well versed in many styles of music, having played in jazz combos and big bands as well as show bands and gospel groups. In addition to his activities with Swing Street, Chuck is much sought after as a sideman with numerous jazz groups in the area.

Woody White, Drummer

Woodrow (Woody) White started playing music at age 14. By 17 he played in a country western band, at 21 cut his first album in Richmond Virginia and was asked to perform on WGAL at age 23.   He continues his love of music by playing in numerous Gospel, Motown, local, and blues bands including ‘Blues on the Loose.’   He has recorded CD’S with several local bands including Chuck Oettle.

Charlene Martin

Charlene is a welcomed addition to our music team. She helps us out, when she’s able, by lending us her vocal and rhythm guitar abilities.

Chuck Oettel, Guitar

Chuck has studied, performed and taught music for over 40 years. He is well versed in many styles of music, having played in jazz combos and big bands as well as show bands and gospel groups. In addition to his activities with Swing Street, Chuck is much sought after as a sideman with numerous jazz groups in the area.